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wedding planning

Wedding Weekend Venues

Planning A Full Wedding Weekend If you’re just getting started in this wedding planning thing you’ve probably started to hear the phrase “Wedding Weekend”. Or people asking how they find the best wedding weekend venues. It can feel like a

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Trending: Donations in lieu of Favors

A wedding trend that continues to be big is donations in lieu of favors. Instead of spending money on favors (which let’s be honest, your guests will probably throw it if they even take them at all) consider putting that

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Getting Ready Rooms

The Getting Ready Space Something many couples don’t realize as they plan their wedding is just how much time they’ll spend in the “getting ready” portions of their day. For so many couples it’s hard to imagine what your wedding

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Former Couples Give Advice

If you could do it again… Would you do anything differently? The thing that is so remarkable about our couples is that they are nothing if not helpful. I’ve long thought of having a luncheon and inviting past brides simply

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Grandma Knows Best

If you sit me down with a cup of coffee or some great tea and ask me about my grandma I can easily talk to you about her for days. She was the kindest woman you’d ever meet, never met

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Fabulous Floral Inspiration

Floral Statement Spring has arrived. Well, at least that’s what I keep muttering to myself as I ignore the snowflakes falling outside my office window. Such is Ohio, over here just trying to keep us on our toes, all the

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Cleveland Museum of Art Wedding

Cleveland Museum of Art Wedding Today we’re continuing to chat about something that I love talking about, some of our very favorite venues in the greater Cleveland area. We broke down a list of the Best Wedding Venues in Cleveland

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