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for photographers

Year in Review

A Year in Review | Dragonfly Photography 2022 was another absolutely full year in the wedding photography industry, but for our team, it was a year of growth, creativity, and innovation. Plus a whole lot of fun. That’s probably my favorite thing about

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5 Tools of the Trade

Essential Tools of the Trade for Entrepreneurs and Photographers As a business owner, there are things that in my opinion, you simply shouldn’t run a business without. As the owner of a wedding photography company, I think that list gets

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Selfcare as a Business Owner

Selfcare as a Business Owner Being a business owner is a unique lifestyle that is, frankly, not for the faint of heart. It can be an amazing and wonderful adventure but also a highly stressful one. Often fraught with pitfalls

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Natural Light Just Won’t Cut It

Why You Can’t Be A “Natural Light” Wedding Photographer and Other Controversial Discussion Topics I cringe when I hear someone say they’re a “natural light” photographer. Why? Because there was a point in my career where I said that too.

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